Sunday, October 7, 2007


There should not be any firm beliefs, as we have exceptions to everything. If a person has firm beliefs, he cannot explore new possibilites, it becomes difficult to edit or upgrade our belief even if we get an evidence. As i studied, i came to know about gravity with millions of proof for it and not contradiction, but today i was stunned to know that scientists have found disobeidence of gravity during one experiment as stated below:-

LONDON: Scientists in Britain have defied gravity by getting drops of water to flow uphill.

Researchers at the University of Bristol achieved the unlikely feat by vigorously vibrating the droplets -- the force created when they bulged upwards as the surface they were on dropped was enough to make them trickle up a steep slope, The Daily Telegraph reported in London on Saturday.

According to lead researcher Prof Jens Eggers, "This is totally new. It's never been done before, and we're still not totally sure exactly what's happening. As the shaking surface rises the drop is compressed, while it bulges upward as the plate falls.

"If the shaking is vigorous enough to overcome the surface tension experienced as the drop is compressed, the drop will tend to lean forward, producing a net force which drives the drop uphill. We don't completely understand why this is happening. It means there is a lot of interesting physics and maths to discover."

The team discovered the phenomenon accidentally while investigating the properties of corn flour. They found drops could only be persuaded to move uphill if they were large enough to be able to rock back and forth when vibrated but smaller than about one mm, otherwise they would break apart.

The research, to be published in the Physical Review Letters , will be useful in understanding the small-scale movements of fluids, and may, for example, help forensic investigators make better use of DNA evidence.

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