Sunday, October 7, 2007


There should not be any firm beliefs, as we have exceptions to everything. If a person has firm beliefs, he cannot explore new possibilites, it becomes difficult to edit or upgrade our belief even if we get an evidence. As i studied, i came to know about gravity with millions of proof for it and not contradiction, but today i was stunned to know that scientists have found disobeidence of gravity during one experiment as stated below:-

LONDON: Scientists in Britain have defied gravity by getting drops of water to flow uphill.

Researchers at the University of Bristol achieved the unlikely feat by vigorously vibrating the droplets -- the force created when they bulged upwards as the surface they were on dropped was enough to make them trickle up a steep slope, The Daily Telegraph reported in London on Saturday.

According to lead researcher Prof Jens Eggers, "This is totally new. It's never been done before, and we're still not totally sure exactly what's happening. As the shaking surface rises the drop is compressed, while it bulges upward as the plate falls.

"If the shaking is vigorous enough to overcome the surface tension experienced as the drop is compressed, the drop will tend to lean forward, producing a net force which drives the drop uphill. We don't completely understand why this is happening. It means there is a lot of interesting physics and maths to discover."

The team discovered the phenomenon accidentally while investigating the properties of corn flour. They found drops could only be persuaded to move uphill if they were large enough to be able to rock back and forth when vibrated but smaller than about one mm, otherwise they would break apart.

The research, to be published in the Physical Review Letters , will be useful in understanding the small-scale movements of fluids, and may, for example, help forensic investigators make better use of DNA evidence.


From where do these ideas come from?

Do all the ideas come from our knowledge base or experiance. According to me the answer is no. When we are born our knowledge base is zero and our experiance is nill. So how do we decide in the situations which are new to us? Many times i face newer and newer problems, which i have never seen but i am able to find the solution. From where do these ideas come from?

Our brain consists of millions of neurons. They combine to form neural networks. These neural networks are designed to learn from experiances and make decisions on the basis of past experiances, but what about the situations that we have never faced, we even react to them in the best possible way. Is there something supernatural that tells us to do so. Is it GOD? But there are some ideas that God cannot give us, for instance the idea of being an atheist!!!

Are all the ideas processed in our brains or they come from somewhere else? If they come from somewhere else, how do they travel? Sometimes while thinking in a group for a common problem, I find a unique idea but before I could tell, some other person speaks that. So does that mean ideas travel in air. The idea first stroke his brain and then my brain or may be its coincidence. There are many people who can answer all these questions, but none of them have the proof, its all phylosophical.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


No one can reach the destination if he is not desirous to reach there. The chances of success is directly proportional to the degree of desire. Although desire and expectations are closely related but expectation is a negative feature.

Its good to have large desires and small expectations. For instance, it you desire to have a large friend circle, you can make it but if you expect something from your friends, it may lead to frustration. To be happy in life one should never expect anything from life.

When is a person sad and when is he happy? Sadness is there when you get lesser than your expectations and happiness is there when you get more than your expectations. So, lesser the expectation more is cheer and satisfaction.

Saturday, July 7, 2007


God is not different from us. We worship God because we want to keep God alive within ourself. You may or may not agree with me, its a game of words only but ultimately most of us believe in God. Rightly said "Shabdon mein kya rakha hai, bhavnao ko samjho" Answering to "what exactly God is?" is inexplicable for anyone.

Now if you are not an atheist, then you must have faith in God.Every religion says that if you have faith in God, then you will get positive results in life. If you are not an atheist you will definately find it true. This is one way of looking at it but it can easily be scientifically proved that faith leads to a better life. For instance if you have faith on God, you become optimistic and thats considered a good approach. A strong faith boostens the will power to fulfill your dreams.

Phsycology says that if you tell about your worries to somebody, you will feel relaxed and much better. So definately when a person tells about his worries to somebody, you will feel relaxed and much better. So definately when a person tells about his worries and prays to God, he feels much better. Hence, faith has a positive phsychological effect on human mind.

Monday, April 23, 2007


Science seems to be unrelated to god and faith but I can prove its relevance.

If somebody looks into my eyes and ask “Who are you?”. The person is asking my eyes but my vocal cord replies “Vikas”. Similarly if a question paper asks the same question, my hand is going to write “Vikas”. Obviously this is because my body parts are not different from me. Every body part is me only. Similarly we are a part of god. From where do our body and soul come from? God created it. But which material did god used? Answer is soil, air and water. But from where did these elements come from? There can be only one conclusion to this, that is every thing is a part of god. I am also a part of god. So I can say “I am god.”

Now if I am god then why should I worship god?
….. I would like to give some time to readers to think upon it. I will continue in my next post.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Death, how big matter is it? People say, it matters the most. But it all depends on from where we are viewing it i.e. frame of refrence. To understand this, suppose you are standing on floor. There are some crystals of sugar fallen on floor and hundreds of ants are on it. If you continue observing for some days, you will find some ants die, there life cycle being over, and many new ants are born. On the floor you just see varying density of black dots(the ants). What do you feel about them? Obviously you feel that its not a big deal, death is law of nature, nothing persists and nothing bad in it.

Now, sit on the floor and observe closely. You will find that they are working hard to shift those sugar crystals. They are fighting for survival, always working together and emotionally connected. Now, you will also find some ants who worked hard to collect sugar but died before they could consume it. One, definitely feels bad about it.

So when you were standing their transactions and interactions were a small thing but when you deeply get involved, you got emotionally connected, earlier you were not feeling bad about their death but now you do.

So it’s the feeling of emotionally connected that make us fear death. Does that mean to lead a happy life, one should get emotionally disconnected from all?

No, it isn’t right. Everything that god has gifted us has got a purpose, so the emotions do have. Without emotions, we would be just like machines, and then I wont be thinking this stuff.
Now, suppose there are no deaths, people who have quarrels will keep on fighting, fighting and fighting. All the belongings of both parties would get involved. It would be like chain reaction leading to all the people of world fighting with each other. No one is dying but there is fight everywhere and everytime.

So death is a necessary evil or I can say its not an evil. Even the fear of death is a necessary evil, because it stops us to do many evils. People who are not emotionally connected with anyone, either they get involved in these evils or they fight against these evils. You can never say, if the other person is on this side or other side, it’s the ratio which is there.


How can one define friendship? Everyone has different way of defining it, number of emails and sms and articles are written to define it, but a true friendship cannot be defined in words but it can only be felt. In our life we interact with many new people and till they are not close, an optimistic finds more the good qualities in that person so its becomes easy to do friendship. Making a friend is not a big issue but maintaining the friendship for the whole life is the biggest issue. The usual reason for breakup between friends is not that one of the friend was wrong so they quarreled but it’s the lack of communication. When small things are not cleared due to hesitation, it creates bitterness in subconscious mind, so one becomes pessimistic and always try to find faults, a chain builds up which leads to breakup.


Everybody has got different aim of life, but is it really different? Although the aim is different but the ultimate aim is to get financially upgraded. It means whatever you are doing the ultimate motive is to earn money. Everybody is running before money, is it justified way of living? Today the condition is this that “we are for money, money is not for us”. This phrase that looks so simple has a deep meaning behind it. It means we are earning money, money, money for the whole life span, and we spent it mostly to earn more and more money and ultimately we die leaving behind everything we earned.

There are people who are millionaire or even more than that, how much money can they spend on their physical and mental needs, this expenditure must be less than 1% of their whole property. But still they are not satisfied and try to earn anything in expense of anything. In a try to earn more than their natural capability, they loose their mental calm. Is it all justified?

What I feel is one should earn as much as is sufficient to fulfill their basic needs. Most of people say that they are satisfied with what they have but they are earning for their children so that their children have to do least work. But does it really help them? The answer is no, but in the processes they are making their children handicapped by doing so. Ultimately its going to ruin the mental capabilities of children.

Its good to have lesser income, satisfying basic needs of a person, than higher income that brings alongwith various mental diseases such as mental fatigue, high blood pressure, heart attack etc.

According to me the best option should be, if one doesn’t have sufficient income to satisfy basic needs, he should concentrate in developing his physical and mental skills to reach a certain level. Once he is capable and earning sufficiently to satisfy the basic needs, he should change his goal. Now his goals should not be to earn more money, but to make healthy environment around him, spreading love everywhere and leading life full of satisfaction.

Now whatever I discussed, it seems its good only for people above poverty line but in real, it has a deep effect on them. This is because if people stop running before excessive money then definitely there will be financial balancing in the society leading to financial upliftment of poor people.


Every person is surrounded by millions of thoughts around him, some he got from his genes(by birth, god gifted), some he is taught when he grows up, some he learn from experience from life, some got hidden in subconscious mind during unusual happenings and last not least he gains by means of worship or meditation or by deep concentration. There are some people who define a boundary to their thoughts, usually when they think that they are a complete person. I pose no restrictions to my thoughts, learning is endless process and perfection is a relative term and not absolute. I want to have every possible experience in my life. I welcome good or even extremely bad experiences in my life because each of them lifts ones spiritual and mental level. I never avoid interacting with strangers and never think that “I don’t know that person so I may be deceased.” The best way to learn something is to do it practically and its not the result of an experiment which is important but the experience gained. I am very receptive always welcome newer ideas, doing different things or doing the same things but differently and highly appreciate feedback given to me and will be more comfortable if its negative because it would definitely help me to achieve my aim that is perfection. At any time if you are not agreed with me then either I will convince or I will be convinced, because there’s no debate that is endless.

Who am I?

Well its too difficult to define it. But still if somebody asks me to define myself in least number of words I would say that I am “nothing”. Is it strange? That all depends on the state of ones visualization. Its vision that makes difference and not the words. If you believe in existence of infinite galaxies, infinite systems in every galaxy and earth as a small ball, then my existence on it goes unnoticeable. So I am nothing.